These tormas for the sadhana practice of Jinasagara (AKA Gyalwa Gyamtso, Red Avalokiteshvara) follows the Rumtek tradition as presented by His Eminence Thrangu Rinpoche. This form of the practice has a retinue of four, and is approximately the same dimensions as the Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini tormas (about 13 inches [33cm] high and about nine inches [23 cm] across). Also needed for this practice, and included in the set, is a white torma for Worldly Deities (depicted) that stands about five inches (12cm) tall and one and a half inches (4 cm) across the base. Not included here are four, Four Karmas tormas which are only needed for the very elaborate druppa (group practice) shrine.

The tormas vary for the Jinasagara practice depending on the transmission lineage you’ve received. Some involve a nine-deity mandala which includes a retinue of eight, and sometimes a Mentor (medicine torma) is used (image here but that torma not included in this set—it stands about five inches [12cm] tall and two and a half inches [6.3 cm] across the base). Be sure to confirm the necessary tormas for the particular form of the practice you’ve been authorized to do, and I’m happy to discuss.
